Price List & Transit Time
Below you can find price list for our DPD Classic service for parcel up to 30KG.
NOTE - all parcels MUST be packaged in cardboard box.
Country | Transit Time | Price (inc.VAT) |
Austria | 3 days | £29.99 |
Belgium | 2 days | £22.99 |
Czech Republic | 3-4 days | £26.99 |
Denmark | 3 days | £29.99 |
Finland | 4-5 days | £41.99 |
France (Inc Monaco) | 2 days | £26.99 |
Germany | 2 days | £25.99 |
Italy | 3-4 days | £33.99 £23.99 Promotion |
Luxembourg | 2 days | £25.99 |
Netherlands | 2 days | £23.90 |
Poland | 3-5 days | £22.99 |
Slovakia | 3-4 days | £32.83 |
Spain - mainland & Palma De Mallorca ONLY | 3-4 days | £25.99 |
Sweden | 4-5 days | £32.99 |
Switzerland | 3 days | £56.99 |
Ireland Republic | 2 days | £35.99 |
Portugal | 4-5 days | £39.99 |
Estonia | 4-5 days | £42.99 |
Hungary | 4-5 days | £31.99 |
Slovenia | 4-5 days | £32.99 |
Lithuania | 4-6 days | £36.99 |
Latvia | 4-6 days | £39.99 |
Norway | 4-6 days | £85.99 |
Croatia | 4-6 days | £68.59 |
Serbia | 4-6 days | £99.99 |
Iceland | 4-6 days | £119.99 |
Bosnia Herzegovina | 4-6 days | £99.99 |
Bulgaria | 4-6 days | £49.99 |
Greece | 4-7 days | £53.99 |
Romania | 4-6 days | £48.00 |
Compensation per parcel
Cover level | Additional Price Inc.VAT |
Up To £50 | Free |
Up To £100 | £2.00 |
Up To £250 | £5.00 |
Up To £500 | £10.00 |
Up To £1000 | £20.00 |
* to/from Poland Up To £200 | £0.00 |
Additional Surcharges
- Nothing to Collect or Reattempted Delivery £13
- Return to Sender will be charged additional admin fee of £10
- Excess Length or Weight - charged per individual item £50
- Wasted Journey - charged per consignment £13
- Return of parcel due to prohibited item - charged per consignment £15.99
- Non Standard Parcel (parcel that is not in cardboard box) - £26
* Additional charges apply for Northern Ireland, Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Scottish Highlands and Islands, Sicily Isles.
* NOTE All parcels sent outside of EU must have a custom invoice/Proforma attached to each parcel. Parcels without an invoice will be returned to sender and surcharge will be applied.
Your Parcel Deliveries In The Safest Hands
- Always check your parcel's weight & size
- Package your item in a strong cardboard box
- Your item will be refused if you under-declare dimensions or weight!